We set no limits to your dreams
Our Schwanekamp interior promise is:
We realise your dreams. But what do we mean by that specifically?
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A former professional racing driver approached us a few years ago because he was looking for a specialist in high-quality interior design. The special thing: His house was built into a mountain on the Spanish coast.
We at Schwanekamp Interior were commissioned to design the interior exclusively, picking up on the passion of the racing driver. Today, after getting up, he can lie down on his motor-driven living area and, depending on his mood, decide whether he wants to enjoy the view of the sea or watch a film on the LED wall opposite. Alternatively, he has the option of having his classic cars raised from the basement on a platform at the touch of a button, allowing him to present them to his guests in the living area.
This is just one example of many. Schwanekamp Interior has furnished exclusive flats and houses for select clients in numerous metropolises around the world. Whether in Dubai, St. Petersburg, Hamburg or Paris. Let us inspire you.